Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Law Case Study Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Law Case Study Analysis - Essay Example The term "expression" can be defined as the different forms such as newspaper, email, letter, fax, and conduct; till the communication is based on the mode of communication for which the offeror is ready to contract. The term "intention" is defined objectively by different judges of the courts. In the case of Smith v. Hughes (1871) LR 6 QB 597 lays an emphasis on the fact that the important thing in any offer is not the real intentions of the parties involved but instead important thing is the reasonable view of the person regarding the situation. Revocation of offer An offer can be revoked by the offeror prior to the acceptance of the offer; but this must be communicated to the offeree. But it is not necessary that the offeror needs to communicate the revocation. In case the offer was made by the offeror to the whole world, the offeror need to revoke the offer in a similar form. This was evident in the legal precedent of Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co [1893] 1 QB 256 Court of Appe al. But, in case the offer has been turned into an option, then the offer cannot be revoked by the offeror. In case the offer is in the form of an unilateral offer, the contract can be revoked by the offeror any time. ... But even in this case, the acceptance must be communicated. The offer can be withdrawn, prior to the acceptance of the offer. v The offer can be solely accepted by the offeree only, i.e.the party which receives the offer offer was made. v In case the offer is accepted by someone else in the family or business on the behalf of the offeree without his/her authorization, then the offer cannot be considered as binding v Silence on an offer cannot be considered as an acceptance of the offer. This is evident in the legal precedent of Felthouse v. Bindley (1862) 142 ER 1037. Counter-offer and correspondence The "mirror image rule" within the law of offer and acceptance, the offer needs to be accepted by the offeror or offeree without any modifications. If there are any changes which are done in any way to the offer, then the counter-offer with changes kills the original offer and the latter cannot be accepted by any of the parties in future. This is evident in the legal precedent of Hyde v. Wrench (1840) 3 Beav 334. The Case Presented Tom chooses to put up for sale his car by parking it outside his residence with a note on the windscreen mentioning: "For auction, exceptionally excellent state, single owner complete service history, complete MOT, ?5,000 or nearby offer. Please get in touch number 37 or telephone 9911929 only." On Tuesday morning around 9.00am, Dick sees the car, but as he is behind schedule for work he is incapable to stop and call Tom at 10.00am and makes an propose of ?4,750 which Tom says he will think about. Harry was crossing through Tom's house on Tuesday morning around 11.00am, saw the car and called at the residence but Tom was not

Monday, October 28, 2019

Emily Dickinson Essay Example for Free

Emily Dickinson Essay Emily Dickinson’s place in history has affected many aspects of social order. Dickinson’s writing touched on many issues that were very important to the life and development of Dickinson’s persona; such as religion, war, psychosis, and love. Dickinson’s insight into these issues has been the source of the majority of the interest in her work. Emily Dickenson, throughout her life, sought a personal understanding of God and his place within her life. Her place within the Calvinist Puritan Amherst, however, would not allow for her inquiry into the understanding of the nature of God other than within their specific doctrine. In her childhood Emily Dickenson was shy and already different from the others. Like all the Dickinson children, male or female, Emily was sent for formal education to Amherst Academy. Dickenson began to develop into a free willed person. Many of her friends had converted to Christianity, and her family was also exerting enormous amount of pressure on her to convert. Her father, along with the rest of the family, had become Christians and she alone decided to rebel against that and reject the Church. She had rejected the traditional views in life and adopted the new transcendental outlook. Dickenson’s questioning about God began at an early age. â€Å"Once (to Higginson) she recorded another bit of mystification at adult behavior†. (Sewell 326) As Sewell recounts, Dickinson’s reservations about the nature of God began as early as her genius. As a child, we are told Dickenson felt a disturbance in the speech of a clergyman during as funeral. â€Å"[She was] disturbed by the clergyman’s question, ‘Is the Arm of the Lord shortened that it cannot save? ’†(Sewell 326) Dickinson’s poetry is a window into her quest for this understanding. In poem number 1241, Dickinson concentrates on nature and its relativity to science. Dickinson looks upon a lilac in the late light of a setting sun. Set on a hill, it receives the last light of day, and subsequently, is the last thing that God sees of that day. The sun is given the action of intending the lilac to be meant for â€Å"Contemplation – not to Touch†. I think this is an allusion to the Calvinist ideal of seeking God through action. Dickinson felt that the actions of the church that surrounded her were hollow and led one no closer to understanding the true nature of God than she had attained in her poetic questionings. The flower is given, above humanity, the focus of God’s eye. â€Å"The scientist of Faith† that Dickinson speaks of in this poem is denied any furthering of his understanding when she says: â€Å"His research has but just begun / Above his synthesis / The Flora unimpeachable / To Time’s Analysis’’. Here, Dickinson is saying that it is not through active searching that one will find the true nature of God, but in the witnessing of His actions—such as the creation of lilacs. She ends the poem with the line â€Å"Eye hath not seen† may possibly / Be current with the blind / But let not Revelation / By theses be detained†. This tells the reader that Dickinson felt that the active search for God, (with the eye) will fail. However, the â€Å"blind† will not have their revelations detained. In the poem #564 Dickinson centers on the physical building of churches as a problem with her understanding of God. Within this poem Dickinson tells the reader that the deification of the man made houses of worship also distract from one’s understanding of God. The line â€Å"God grows above—so those who pray / Horizons—must ascend† illustrates Dickinson’s idea that limiting one’s view, as in focusing on a building rather than God himself, would hinder one’s ability to see God. Dickinson goes on to clarify, succinctly, her feelings on the worshiping of God through churches: â€Å"His house was not—no sign had He / By Chimney—nor by Door / Could I infer his Residence— / Vast Prairies of Air† Dickinson tells the reader that nothing tangible or built by the hand of man has been seen by God as His house. Dickenson contends that there is a separation between â€Å"praying and â€Å"worshipping†. The churches used by the people around Dickinson are used to â€Å"worship† and show the action of belief. Whereas praying is the only way to â€Å"reach† God and prove one’s heart as a believer. In the poem numbered 1499, Dickinson again questions the physical place worship by calling insecure the â€Å"Physiognomy† of the Calvinist theology. Dickinson begins this poem by acknowledging the temporality of the human visage: â€Å"How firm Eternity must look / To Crumbling men†. Dickinson obviously feels that the â€Å"face value† of religion is passing and worthless. She felt that the eternality of action and the long lasting effects of true faith were far more important and worth while. The questions raised by Emily Dickenson within her poetry, echoes the problems that people have had with religion for ages—where does the truth about God reside? Dickenson wanted to find a peace that accompanied the acceptance of God; however her exposure to the Calvinist Puritans stifled that. Her distain and mistrust from the sect resounded throughout her life and her poetry. Though not all of her poetry maintained such as hard line rejection of Puritan ideals, the ones selected here illustrate her desire to find something else, outside of the Calvinist dogma that better explained to her the nature of God. It has been â€Å"suggested that [the] contradictions in Emily Dickinson [‘s poetry] were due to her dual nature, which made her at once a pagan and a â€Å"sincerely religious woman. † (Voigt 193) This constant pull within her life, caused Dickinson to struggle throughout her lifetime with her desire to loved by God, and her inability to accept the blind faith that accompanies devotion to religion. The several poems that I am looking at are examples of how Emily Dickinson’s lack of center and acceptance manifested itself into poetry. In poem numbered 315, for example, the fumbling of the unnamed â€Å"he† at the soul of the narrator is immediately seen as the ultimate of personal invasions. The hap-hazard bumbling of this â€Å"he† is made worse by the â€Å"stun[ning]† that is caused by this invasion. The different degrees of this stunned soul hints at the multiple levels of invasion that is taking place—emotional, physical and, presumably, spiritual. The objectifying human â€Å"Nature† as brittle is an obvious tool to illustrate the suffering that humanity is plagued with throughout their lives. It also brings in the idea of death and mortality to the concept of human existence. The â€Å"he† deals the final blow the brittle human narrator with â€Å"One – Imperial – Thunderbolt† (315. 11) This assumed death, however, does not promise an escape from the constant suffering of life, but instead we learn that â€Å"The Universe – is still –â€Å" (315. 12) The final dash after â€Å"still† tells the reader that the universe is still moving, turning, and continuing the pain that the narrator wishes to be freed from. The Civil War was another issue that was addressed by Dickinson. With the poem, â€Å"The name – of it – is ‘Autumn’†, Dickinson uses natural imagery to describe the horrors of war. David Cody wrote, in his article on the poem, that Dickinsons poem continues both to beckon and to baffle its readers, and the present essay is devoted not so much to an attempt to guess its meaning as to the more modest task of recalling or reviving, palingenetically as it were, some faint ghost or echo at least of the rich, complex and increasingly remote cultural moment in which it came into being. Precisely because it seems to embody. (Cody 24) Ed Folsom wrote that her poem, numbered 754 â€Å"My Life has stood – a loaded gun†; â€Å"explicitly with the Master/slave relationship†. (Folsom) The poem identifies with the slave’s reality of being worthless until pressed into service by the master. The work that Dickinson did during her lifetime was as diversely inspired as it was cryptic. However, the subjects that were covered by her work still hold enough interest and importance to warrant a continued study. The questions that Dickinson raised about religion, echoed the questions of many people who were slowly becoming disenfranchised with the Calvinist movement. Her own issues with psychosis were also subject to her eye. The poems she wrote about her lack of understanding of the world, and the fear that kept her secluded from society offer a deep insight into her mind. WORK CITED The Complete Poems of Emily Dickenson. Johnson, Thomas H. Ed. Little Brown and Co. New York. 1961. The Inner Life of Emily Dickinson. Voigt, Gilbert P. College English. Vol. 3. No. 2. (Nov. 1941). 192-196. The Life of Emily Dickinson. Sewell, Richard Benson. Harvard University Press. Cambridge, MA. 1994. Emily Dickinson: Selected Letters, ed. by Thomas H. Johnson and Theodora Ward. Cambridge MA. Harvard University Press. 1958. Cody, David Blood in the Basin: The Civil War in Emily Dickinson The name of it is Autumn The Emily Dickinson Journal. The Johns Hopkins University Press. Volume 12, Number 1, Spring 2003, pp. 25-52 Folsom, Ed. â€Å"Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and the Civil War†. University of Iowa. 2003. Date of Access: July 26, 2006. URL: http://www. classroomelectric. org/volume2/folsom/

Saturday, October 26, 2019

A Review of the Beck Youth Inventories for Children and Adolescents Es

The Beck Youth Inventory Test was developed in 2001 by Judith Beck, Aaron Beck, John Jolly, and Robert Steer. The purpose of this psychological testing tool is a brief self-report to measure the distress in children and adolescents (Flanagan & Henington, 2005). The Beck Youth Inventory includes using five self-administered scales. The five tests include the Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Beck Anger Inventory, Beck Disruptive Inventory, and the Beck Self-Concept Inventory. These tests can be administered individually or in combination to the youth. The intended population for this test is ages 7-14 years (Flanagan & Henington, 2005). This test is used to assess symptoms of depression, anxiety, anger, disruptive behavior, and self esteem (Beck, 2001). The Beck Depression Inventory measures depression criteria as evidenced in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition (Flanagan & Henington, 2005). The Beck Anxiety Inventory assesses childhood fears related to health and school (Flanagan & Henington, 2005). The Beck Anger Inventory appraises the individual’s opinion of mistreatment, negative thoughts, and physiological arousal (Flanagan & Henington, 2005). The Beck Disruptive Behavior Inventory measures behaviors and attitudes related to oppositional and defiant behavior (Flanagan & Henington, 2005). This is consistently seen in youth diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder. Lastly, the Beck Self-Concept Inventory assesses feelings of self-worth and competence (Flanagan & Henington, 2005). The theory of the Beck Youth Inventory Test was derived from the adult Beck Scales (Beck, 2001). The authors of this testing instrument saw a need for this... only individually in order to encourage honest responses and not have any peer influences (Flanagan & Henington, 2005). Overall, the Beck Youth Inventory is a useful tool, but should be used in conjunction with other assessment instruments. References Beck, J. (2001, November). New Scales for Children: The Beck Youth Inventory. The Beck Institute, 1-5. Copyright 1999-2007. Beck, J. (2001). Beck Youth Inventories for Children and Adolescents (2nd ed.). PsychCorp: Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Flanagan, R., & Henington, C. (2005). Review of the Beck Youth Inventories for Children and Adolescents: Second Edition. Mental Measurements Yearbook, 18, 18123501 Trochim, W. (2006). Reliability and Validity: What’s the Difference?. Retrieved February 8, 2010, from http://socialresearch

Thursday, October 24, 2019

VDB Brief

Introduction Recent studies show that the use of technology in almost every activity we daily make has become more important day by day. This also can be applied in business aspects, Like hospitality, where the customer attention Is the priority, so managers need to find the way to automation the service the best as possible. 2. 0 Analysis of Issue 2. Summary of the Issue In the article â€Å"Warning, warnings Entering bots mania†, the author Is trying to let us now the negative part of robot evolution, saying, â€Å"artificial intelligence is going to cause huge disruption, as a host of everyday functions† (Collie, 2014). The issue here is that there's the possibility that robots can become ‘our social as well as economic superiors', so In every business that requires technology for working, there's the need to be sure if is necessary to keep automating the product or service, or it just can still be a real people's job.Despite this, technological advances go fas ter than we think, for example we can appreciate the evolution of the embodied systems that Interact with humans, where â€Å"the ability to interact with people in the human environment has been a recent motivator of the humanoid robotics community and the service robotics community. For systems such as these, safety and minimizing Impact on human living spaces are Important Issues, as well as the Issues of performance and ease of use† (Beebread, 2003, p. 121).This means that automated machines are starting to be created very similar as humans, which support the theory that some day they will become in otter humans than us. 2. 2 Implications for management of virtual business Talking about our specific business, hospitality, to increase service productivity, â€Å"many companies utilize automation extensively to reduce the use of labor. However, greater use of automation does not always result In higher service quality, and the effectiveness of automation in providing servi ce hinges on how advanced the technology level is† (Rust & Hang, 2012, p. 7). On the other hand, some people affirm that there are many others topics to take into account about the advantages ND disadvantages of human robots, like Issues of trust In automation, which â€Å"challenge macro-cognitive work at numerous levels, ranging from decision making at the policy level, to capability at the mission and organizational levels, to confidence at 1 OFF operators† (Hoffman, Johnson & Bradshaw, 2013, p. 84). 3. Conclusion Thanks to the preview information, it's correct to affirm that the use of advanced technology in our hotels to improve the service and to reduce the costs could be a ere good solution, but it has to be correctly controlled to avoid that robots can steal human Jobs; in other words, it's important to use the technology in a way that it doesn't affect humans quality of life in any way, such as economical and emotional aspects, so the business can get more bene fits and advantages over competitors. Reference List Collie, R. (2014, February 27). Warning, warning! Entering bots mania. The Sydney Morning Herald.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Employment Responsibilities and Rights Essay

Learning Outcome 1. 1.1 List the aspects of employment covered by law. Aspects that are covered by law are as followed, anti-discrimination provisions to protect against gender, race, disability, age, working hours and holiday entitlements. Sickness absence and sick pay. Data protection for personal information. Health and safety. Criminal records Bureau (CRB) checks when starting work within a healthcare setting. 1.2 List the main features of current employment legislation. The main features are as followed, minimum wage, hours worked, Discrimination, health and safety, holiday entitlements, redundancy and dismissal, disciplinary procedures, training and union rights. Health and safety laws cover the work conditions, and minimum wage and other laws set basic compensation levels. There’s also the disability act, manual handling operations and regulations, data protection act, general social care council code 2001 and RIDDOR. 1.3 Outline why legislation relating to employment exists. Legislation relating to employment exists to stop exploitation of workers by their employers mainly to protect the rights of their employee’s and to make sure that they have everything they need such as safety standards, holiday entitlement, maternity leave, redundancy payments, discrimination laws, maximum working hours and age requirement. 1.4 Identify sources and types of information and advice available in relation to employment responsibilities and available in relation to employment responsibilities and rights. Sources of information and advice can be found in the HR department, from your line manager or your manager’s manager. The Citizens Advice Bureau, community legal advice, trade unions, additional learning support and from representative bodies. Read more:  Employer and Employee Statutory Rights and Responsibilities Learning Outcome 2. 2.1 Describe the terms and conditions of your own contract of employment. The terms and conditions of my contract of employment are the commencement date of which I started working for the organisation. Information about my probationary period where it explains that the first three months of my employment will be probationary so that I and the organisation can assess the suitability of this arrangement. My contract states my job title, which is care assistant. There’s information about the pay rate during the week  and a different rate of pay at weekends and bank holidays, along with how often we are paid. My normal hours of work each week and holiday entitlement are stated. Which explains that I’m entitled to 28 days holiday a year but only permitted to take a maximum of 10 days at any one time. Also listed is information about sick pay and how much notice to give when leaving the organisation. My contract explains about the uniform that is provided. There’s i nformation about the CRB checks that every member of staff has when starting. 2.2 Describe the information shown on your own pay statement. The information on my pay statement is my name, national insurance number, tax code and the dates of the four weeks that I have been paid for. It details the amount of hours worked for the four weeks with the rate of pay for weekdays, weekends and any bank holidays or holidays booked during that time and the value. There’s a list for tax deductions and national insurance deductions. The total amount of tax paid since working for the organisation. At the bottom of my pay statement there is the total gross pay which is the amount earned before tax deductions. Underneath there is the total amount of tax deductions for the four weeks. The net pay is the amount left over when tax deductions have been taken away from the total gross pay. 2.3 Describe the procedures to follow in an event of a grievance. The grievance should be raised verbally with your line manager or manager’s manager. It should be done in confidence giving full details and sufficient time to consider the facts of the case and where appropriate take remedial action. If your line manager not be able to satisfactorily resolve the grievance, the matter should be referred either verbally or in writing to the home manager whose decision will be final. An employee is entitled to have another person present at any stage of the procedure. 2.4 Identify the personal information that must be kept up to date with your own employer. Personal information that must be up dated is your change in marital status, address and telephone numbers. A change of next of kin details. National insurance number and tax code. Qualifications and work history. Any medical restrictions, absence details, training and data protection. 2.5 Explain agreed ways of working with employer. Agreed ways of working with your employer are following health and safety procedures, implement agreed ways to follow care plans. Following procedures  when someone needs to take time off either for personal reason or holiday. Giving your employer the correct time needed to organise shifts for sickness. Learning Outcome 3 3.1 Explain how our own role fits within the delivery of the service provider. My role fits within the delivery of the service provider because I am maintaining the organisations reputation and setting high standards. Following uniform policies by dressing smartly and wearing the correct uniform. Attending staff training and completing e-learning course so that I’m up to date with policies and procedures. Treating the service users with dignity and making sure they keep their independence. Also communication with other health care professionals, service users and their family on a regular basis. 3.2 Explain the effect of own role on service provision. Being a care assistant I support the unit managers and senior care assistants by communicating with them. I keep them up to date with any changes regarding the service users like their behaviour and any medical conditions which have either got worse or better. I follow all policies and procedures when undertaking tasks so that I’m complying with CQC standards. Working in a team we can support the service users to maintain their independence, individuality and basis rights. To ensure the safety of staff and service users all health and safety policies are followed. 3.3 Describe how own role links to the wider sector. Working as a care assistant we are linked to a variety of health care professionals such as doctors who come in once a week for check-ups on service users and possibly giving prescriptions so that we can monitor their condition. We also have district nurses and hospitals who require monthly check-ups and we have to update them on the service users condition from carers who work with them on a daily basis. 3.4 Describe the main roles and responsibilities of representative bodies that influence the wider sector. CQC go to a wide range of care settings to make sure essential standards of quality and safety are being met at all times. All staff that work within the health care industry follow all the appropriate policies and procedures to ensure the safety of the service user and staff. Learning Outcome 4 4.1 Explore different types of occupational opportunities. The different types of occupational opportunities are gaining a level 3 NVQ and working as a senior carer and eventually working towards becoming a unit manager. 4.2 Identify sources of information related to chosen career pathway. Information relating to a chosen career pathway could be to talk to your unit manager about progression to a senior care assistant and find out the relevant training and qualifications that are needed for the role. Another source is the NHS website for job similar to a care assistant such as a health care assistant which assistant the nurses. 4.3 Identify next steps in own career pathway. In order to become a senior care assistant I would need to complete my NVQ level 2 and medication course. Do the relevant training at work and then complete an NVQ level 3.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Of Mice And Men Essays (514 words) - Cinema Of The United States

Of Mice And Men Essays (514 words) - Cinema Of The United States Of Mice And Men Justin Clay Period 1 Am. Lit. Of Mice and Men The novel Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, is about two ranch hands, George and Lennie. George is a small, smart-witted man, while Lennie is a large, mentally- handicapped man. They are trying to raise enough money to buy their own ranch, by working as ranch hands. During the setting of the story, they are at a ranch whose owners name is Curley. It is in this setting that the novel reveals that the main theme is death and loss. Lennie accidentally killing all of his pets establishes that the theme of this novel is death and loss. These pets consist of mice, dogs, kittens, etc. Lennie loves to feel and pet animals, but he does not know his own strength. He kills them without really noticing what he has done, until George tells him that he did something wrong. After being scolded, Lennie is very remorseful about what he did. Once, after being yelled at Lennie says, I pinched their heads a little and then they was dead- because they were so little (13). Lennies remorse is probably more for upsetting George than it is for actually killing the animal. Another way that death and loss is evidenced by this novel is when Lennie killed Curleys wife. When Lennie is in the barn (after killing his new puppy) Curleys wife came into the barn and came on to Lennie. Lennie not knowing what was happening let her lull him into touching her hair. To Lennie it was like petting any other animal. Curleys wife became flustered when Lennie became scared and would not let go of her hair. She started to scream and Lennie tried to cup her mouth, which concluded in him killing her. Lennie was truly remorseful after this action. Soon after killing her Lennie can be heard saying to himself, I done a bad thing. I done another bad thing (121). The final confirmation of the death and loss theme occurred to George, not Lennie. After going to the place where George had told him to go if anything went wrong, Lennie lays and waits in the brush for George to come get him. What Lennie wasnt expecting was George to come with a posse of ranch hands with him. The ranch hands were not quite there, when George shot Lennie in the back of the head to save him the pain the posse would do to him. After he shot him the brush seemed filled with cries (140), which symbolizes the loss of George after shooting Lennie. This was a truly great loss for him since Lennie was his best friend. Of Mice and Men is a very sad and depressing story that contains many deaths of many living creatures. Many people had a loss from these deaths, especially George. He had to shoot his best friend. This can possibly be the greatest loss of all, because without friends, where would we be?

Monday, October 21, 2019


SCHILNDLER'S LIST AND ROSEWOOD essays So much has been said and written about the achievements of Steven Spielberg and his brand of cinema, that the moment we hear about a new Spielberg film being made, we know what to expect. A high quality action movie falling in the genre of science fiction- but when Schindler's List came out, it turned out to be visual treat of a different kind. Schindler's List was unlike most Spielberg films. And it was this aspect of the film that took everyone by surprise and the whole cinema world by storm. A holocaust Drama by Steven Spielberg! Since when did Spielberg get interested in this genre of movie making' And even if he had actually shown interest in history, does he actually know something about capturing Schindler's List release in 1993 answered all those questions and silenced the critics for once and all. It proved that Spielberg wasn't the king of science fiction alone, he was a master movie maker who knows his job well and so it doesn't matter which genre he chooses provided he is actually interested in it. Schindler's List was a different experience for the director, the world of cinematography and film lovers. This wasn't exactly due to the storyline, which was indeed superb, or the performance of its mostly unknown cast that was indeed perfect but mainly because of its cinematography and camera work that was certainly a class apart. The movie was made superbly and techniques it used only enhanced the impact of a powerful storyline. Instead of opting for certain color palette, Spielberg chose to avoid colors completely thereby shooting the entire movie in black and white. Prince (2001) maintains that black and white movies add to the gravity of the issues conveyed and add a serious touch to the film, and this turns out to be absolutely true in the case of Schindler's List where black and white gives the movie a 1940s feel. It makes the movie look more like a serious documentary,...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Top 10 Beginning French Mistakes

Top 10 Beginning French Mistakes When you start learning French, theres a lot to remember - new vocabulary, all kinds of verb conjugations, strange spelling. Just about everything is different. Its normal to make mistakes, but its in your best interest to try to fix them as soon as possible. The longer you make the same mistake, the harder it will be for you to get it right later on. With this in mind, this article discusses the most common French mistakes made by beginners, so that you can fix these problems right from the beginning. French Mistake 1 - Gender In French, all nouns have a gender, either masculine or feminine. This can be a difficult concept for English speakers, but its non-negotiable. You need to learn vocabulary with either a definite or indefinite article, so that you learn the gender of each word with the word itself. Getting the gender of a word wrong can lead to confusion at best and a completely different meaning at worst, since some words have different meanings depending on their gender.Introduction to French nouns | Gender by word ending | Dual-gender nouns | Articles French Mistake 2 - Accents French accents indicate the correct pronunciation of a word, and are required, not optional. Therefore, you need to make an effort to learn what they mean, which words they are found in, and how to type them. Study my accents lesson so that you know what each accent indicates. (Note in particular that à § never precedes e or i). Then look at my typing French accents page to choose between the various methods to type them on your computer.Introduction to accents | Typing French accents French Mistake 3 - To Be Although the literal French equivalent of to be is à ªtre, there are numerous French expressions that use the verb avoir (to have) instead, such as avoir faim - to be hungry, and some that use faire (to do, make), like faire beau - to be nice weather. Take the time to memorize and practice these expressions so that you get them right, right from the beginning.Introduction to avoir, à ªtre, faire | Expressions with avoir | Expressions with faire | Quiz:  avoir,  Ãƒ ªtre, or faire? French Mistake 4 - Contractions In French, contractions are required. Whenever a short word like je, me, te, le, la, or ne is followed by a word that begins with a vowel or H muet, the short word drops the final vowel, adds an apostrophe, and attaches itself to the following word. This is not optional, as it is in English - French contractions are required. Thus, you should never say je aime or le ami - it is always jaime and lami. Contractions never occur in front of a consonant in French (except H muet).French contractions French Mistake 5 - H The French H comes in two varieties: aspirà © and muet. Although they sound the same (that is, they are both silent), there is an important difference: one acts like a consonant and the other acts like a vowel. The H aspirà © (aspirated H) acts like a consonant, meaning that it does not allow contractions or liaisons. The H muet (mute H), on the the other hand, is just the opposite: it requires contractions and liaisons. Making vocabulary lists with a definite article will help you remember which H is which, such as le homard (H aspirà ©) vs lhomme (H muet). H muet | H aspirà © | Liaisons French Mistake 6 - Que Que, or that, is required in French sentences with a subordinate clause. That is, in any sentence that has one subject introducing another,  que  must join the two clauses. This  que  is known as a conjunction.The trouble is that in English this conjunction is sometimes optional. For example,  Je sais que tu es intelligent  can be translated as I know that youre intelligent, or simply I know youre intelligent. Another example:  Il pense que jaime les chiens  - He thinks (that) I like dogs.What is a clause?  |  Conjunctions French Mistake 7 -Auxiliary verbs The French past tense,  le passà © composà ©, is conjugated with an auxiliary verb, either  avoir  or  Ãƒ ªtre. This shouldnt be too difficult, as the verbs which take  Ãƒ ªtre  include reflexive verbs and a short list of non-reflexive ones. Take the time to memorize the list of  Ãƒ ªtre  verbs, and then your auxiliary verb problems will be solved.Être verbs  |  Reflexive verbs  |  Passà © composà ©Ã‚  |  Compound tenses  |  Quiz:  avoir  or  Ãƒ ªtre? French Mistake 8 - Tu and vous French has two words for you, and the difference between them is pretty distinct.  Vous  is plural - if there is more than one of anything, always use  vous. Aside from that, the difference has to do with closeness and friendliness versus distance and respect. Read my  tu  vs  vous  lesson for a detailed description and numerous examples.Introduction to subject pronouns  |  Lesson:  tu  vs  vous  |  Quiz:  tu  or  vous? French Mistake 9 - Capitalization Capitalization is much less common in French than in English. The first person singular subject pronoun (je), days of the week, months of the year, and languages are  not  capitalized in French. See the lesson for a few other common categories of French terms which are capitalized in English but not in French.French capitalization  |  Calendar vocabulary  |  Languages in French French Mistake 10 - Cettes Cette  is the singular feminine form of the demonstrative adjective  ce  (ce garà §on  - this boy,  cette fille  - this girl) and beginners often make the mistake of using cettes as the plural feminine, but in fact this word does not exist.  Ces  is the plural for both masculine and feminine:  ces garà §ons  - these boys,  ces filles  - these girls.French demonstrative adjectives  |  Agreement of adjectivesIntermediate French Mistakes 1 - 5 | Intermediate French Mistakes 6 - 10High-Intermediate French Mistakes 1 - 5 | High-Intermediate French Mistakes 6 - 10Advanced French Mistakes 1 - 5 | Advanced French Mistakes 6 - 10

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Critically discuss the view that capital markets created the Essay - 3

Critically discuss the view that capital markets created the conditions that led to the new economy bubble and the banking crisis - Essay Example This is attributed to the fact that when a firm or a nation borrows money from the capital markets, the reason is often to invest in additional physical capital products that will be utilized to increase income. It usually takes several months or even years before the investments start generating sufficient return to pay back its cost thus leading to an economic crisis. Capital markets are usually concerned with long tern finance. It comprises of a series of channels through which the communities’ savings are made available for commercial and industrial enterprises and public authorities. Therefore, Chisholm (2009) defines capital markets as financial markets which are tasked with the buying and selling of equity-backed securities or long-term debt. These markets usually channel the wealth of the savers to those who have the capability of putting it into long-term use. The paper will offer evidence supporting the view that capital markets created the conditions that led to the ‘new economy’ bubble and the banking crisis. According to a view shared by Rudd (2009), prescriptions of the neo-liberal policy flow from the major theoretical belief in the superiority of unregulated markets, especially unregulated capital markets. These claims is based on the "efficient-markets hypothesis" , which claims that financial-market prices, such as stock-market prices incorporates all the available information representing the best possible estimate of asset prices. Therefore, it follows that if prices fully informed and markets are fully efficient, there exists no reason to believe that asset-price bubbles are probable which means that if these do occur, markets will self-correct. In the neo-liberal view, deviations from market efficiency are as a result of external causes. They ascertain that bubbles and other disruptions are caused by governments and other "imperfections", and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Data Execercise for Priciples of Macroeconomics Assignment

Data Execercise for Priciples of Macroeconomics - Assignment Example The Real GDP between these two periods reduces by 3.5%. Inflation and changes in prices of products causes a significant difference between nominal and real GDP percentages (, 2015). With nominal GDP and real GDP values, one can derive an index of the price level in the year. This index is referred to as GDP deflator and its formula is given by: Real GDP values are not impacted by changes in prices; it is only affected if there are changes in the quantity. To determine the purchasing power of an economy with price adjustments real GDP values are used. Nominal GDP values are used to determine the total value of services or products produced in an economy within one year (, 2015). Gross Domestic Product is an approximated value of the total amount of a country’s products and services, within its boundary, by its citizens and foreigners, calculated over a one-year period. Whereas Gross National Product is an approximated value of the total amount of services and products, by citizens of the country, within its lands or on foreign territories, computed over the course of one year (, 2015). GDP is used to assess the strength of a country’s economy, whereas GNP is used to assess the economic performance of citizens of a certain country. Both these values can also be used in analyzing the distribution of wealth in the economy or also calculating average purchasing power of a person in a country (, 2015). National income is the total value of a countrys output production of new services and goods produced in one year. It measures the monetary value of the production output of services and goods produced in an economy over a period (, 2015). The National income was higher than GNP. To determine NI from GNP you use the following formula, GNP= GDP + NR (Net income from assets abroad (income receipts). Depending on the factors, GNP can be either lower or higher than GDP. The ratio of domestic to

International Political Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

International Political Economy - Essay Example It also mentions some of the conditions that countries need to fulfill in order to receive any assistance from the organization. Composition of the IMF Executive Board, Voting powers The member states have the liberty to participate in the IMF directly. The executive board comprises of 24 members out of which five executive directors can be elected by the member states having the maximum quota. The remaining nineteen executive directors are elected by the remaining number of members. The powers that each country enjoys are predominantly dependant on the proportional scale of their population and the economic position they hold in the entire world. The general owners of the organization are represented by the board of executive directors who are responsible for taking the major decisions and responsibilities of the organization. However, all of the names of the member countries are represented in the economic scale. This is more resembling with the theory of structuralism which was di scovered and presented by Marx. In the view of structuralism theory presented by Marx, it disputes the instrumentalist theory which considers the state as being the direct servant of the ruling class or the capitalists. Structuralism theory states consider the capitalist of production as the state being under the control of the capitalist class having superior powers. As per the members of the executive board, it is seen that members having superior positions in the IMF are actually the members who belong to the developed nations of the world which abides by the structuralism theory stated by Marx. The highest decision making authority of IMF rests with the Board of Governors. All powers of the IMF are vested in the Board of Governors. The Board of Governors comprises of a single governor as well as an alternate governor for each of the member countries. Members’ states are responsible for appointing the governor and generally the finance minister or the governer of the Centr al Bank is nominated for the position. The Board of Governors may delegate to the Executive Board all except certain reserved powers. The Board of Governors generally conducts a meeting in every year (IMF, â€Å"IMF Members' Quotas and Voting Power, and IMF Board of Governors†). The regular or day to day running of business of the organization is done by the Executive Board. Composed of 24 Directors, either elected or appointed by the member nations or also by collective groups of countries, it is also elected by the Managing Director, or the Chairman of the board. Several meetings are conducted by the Board in a single week. The works are generally conducted by the papers which are prepared or provided by the management and staffs in IMF (IMF, â€Å"IMF Executive Directors and Voting Power†). Design and operations of IMF In the 1980s a tremendous financial crisis had gripped the Latin American economy when high and bloated public debts and improper and loose monetary policies had led to very inflation rates in the economy. However, some of the conditions set by the IMF demonstrate the fact that it imposes certain restrictions or preconditions before providing aid to nations. For example, in this situation, the International Monetary Fund gad imposed financial austerity or balanced budgets as well as tighter monetary policies. The IMF demanded from the nation that it should impose the same monetary policies

Thursday, October 17, 2019

University of new haven, soccer, moving to another town, upbeat Essay

University of new haven, soccer, moving to another town, upbeat program that helps the community ,playing the piano, going to polish school every saturday for s - Essay Example ersity of New Haven) It is considered the 2nd largest private provider of Protective Services Education which offers a unique combination of forensic science with criminal justice. At least 121 credits are required for a student to earn the BS degree in criminal justice. The most rewarding professions, a graduate of this course can look forward to, are employment in any of the following prestigious institutions: the FBI, the DEA, ATF, the Secret Service, and the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury Border Patrol Military Police, CID IRS, CID, and the CIA. UNH actually â€Å"sponsors 17 variety sports (8 men’s, 9 women’s) which compete at the NCAA Division II level in the prestigious Northeast-10 Conference† (Official Website of University of New Haven). At UNH, the administrators have explicitly emphasized the importance of a holistic approach to the development of the athlete’s life. Opportunities are continuously provided for â€Å"academic achievement, learning in high-level athletic competition and development of positive societal attitude in service to the community†. (Official Website of University of New Haven) The existence of a Polish School dates back to the heirs of Poland wanting to keep their culture, tradition, and heritage intact. The basic teachings include learning the language, literature, geography, history of Poland; as well as the traditional Polish folk dances, songs and catechetical lessons. (Walnut Creek United Methodist Church). The regular session in a Polish school is approximately 21 Saturdays within the school year. The program usually encourage the participation of the parents in activities which would With the onset of the internet age, playing the piano is really as easy as ABC. There are a variety of online keyboard lessons and even free online instructions. Lessons vary depending on the level of the student’s expertise – from beginners to advance. (Free On-Line Piano Lessons Copyright@Gregory D. Ramsey 1996 –

Molecular Mechanism of antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli Essay

Molecular Mechanism of antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli - Essay Example Conclusion: Sufficient research results have shown that the E.coli continues to cause infections such as UTIs, resisting the basic ciprofloxacin. These strains are referred to as extended spectrum beta-lactamase E.coli. There is therefore need to develop new antibiotics and explore new ways of tackling the bacteria. Introduction Escherichia coli, commonly referred to as E. coli, are amongst the few organisms that have steered the art of antibiotic resistance in bacteria to altogether new levers. The European E. coli outbreak of 2011 served as an eye opener on the magnitude of harm such a development can cause. On that regard, it is vital to understand the antibiotic resistance mechanism of E. coli, especially at the molecular level. This implies that the quantification of the mechanism upon which this eventuality is realized will have to drench deep into the responsible genetic sequences in the DNA of the bacterium. Fortunately, the genetic sequence of E. coli is already established and safely stored in accessible archives. This is irrespective of the plasticity experienced while sequencing the DNA of E. coli. The main methods by which resistance is observed to occur include: Prevention of entry into the cell, Synthesis of enzymes that lyse the antibiotics, rapid efflux from the cell, and modification of the active site. Evaluation The quantification of the mechanism behind the resistance calls for the isolation of E. coli strains that exhibit this form of resistance. Due to the wide range of antibiotics availed for the fight against the spread of the bacteria, it is vital to focus on strains that exhibit multiple resistances. This is also of merit in a rather different perception in that; it can facilitate the development of antibiotics that encompass solutions to different targets. This helps in the improvement of their therapeutic efficacy. On this regard, a central region of focus falls under the integrons (these are genetic elements able to target and rear range ORFs embedded in gene cassette units and change them to functional genes by ensuring their proper expression). This is with regards to their heightened presence in organisms exhibiting multiple antibiotic resistances. They were originally associated with gram negative bacteria. Progressively the analysis of strategic loci may be of great essence in the quantification of the avenues followed towards the establishment of a resistance in E. coli. Such a locus is the mar locus (Michael, 2007). On reference is that rapid mutations experienced in the mentioned locus; that eventuate into alteration of the coding sequence, hence aberration of the protein sequence produced. Apparently, the development of resistance towards a given antibiotic is based on two broad mechanisms. They include the development of mutated genetic sequence at the DNA level and the horizontal line gene transfer (also termed lateral gene transfer). This simply refers to the accumulation of various mutations via a systematic process; where the central microbe, in this case E. coli, accumulates the necessary mutation via prokaryotic DNA absorption mechanisms. This includes mechanisms such as transduction, transformation, gene transfer agents (found in alphaproteobacteria), or conjugation. The resistance sequences are conveyed along the various tandem sequences, such as transposons, integrons or plasmids (D’

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

University of new haven, soccer, moving to another town, upbeat Essay

University of new haven, soccer, moving to another town, upbeat program that helps the community ,playing the piano, going to polish school every saturday for s - Essay Example ersity of New Haven) It is considered the 2nd largest private provider of Protective Services Education which offers a unique combination of forensic science with criminal justice. At least 121 credits are required for a student to earn the BS degree in criminal justice. The most rewarding professions, a graduate of this course can look forward to, are employment in any of the following prestigious institutions: the FBI, the DEA, ATF, the Secret Service, and the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury Border Patrol Military Police, CID IRS, CID, and the CIA. UNH actually â€Å"sponsors 17 variety sports (8 men’s, 9 women’s) which compete at the NCAA Division II level in the prestigious Northeast-10 Conference† (Official Website of University of New Haven). At UNH, the administrators have explicitly emphasized the importance of a holistic approach to the development of the athlete’s life. Opportunities are continuously provided for â€Å"academic achievement, learning in high-level athletic competition and development of positive societal attitude in service to the community†. (Official Website of University of New Haven) The existence of a Polish School dates back to the heirs of Poland wanting to keep their culture, tradition, and heritage intact. The basic teachings include learning the language, literature, geography, history of Poland; as well as the traditional Polish folk dances, songs and catechetical lessons. (Walnut Creek United Methodist Church). The regular session in a Polish school is approximately 21 Saturdays within the school year. The program usually encourage the participation of the parents in activities which would With the onset of the internet age, playing the piano is really as easy as ABC. There are a variety of online keyboard lessons and even free online instructions. Lessons vary depending on the level of the student’s expertise – from beginners to advance. (Free On-Line Piano Lessons Copyright@Gregory D. Ramsey 1996 –

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Oxfam. Outline Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Oxfam. Outline - Assignment Example Oxfam’s mission is with thousands of local partner organizations and people living in poverty who strive to exercise their human rights as well as assert their dignity as full citizens and take control of their lives (Oxfam). The organization’s values are the rights to; be heard, life and security, basic social services, sustainable livelihood, and an identity (Oxfam). A close look at Oxfam’s background history, structure, and activities reveals how its mission and values are achieved. Oxfam as an NGO can be defined by both its level of orientation and level of operation. By its level of orientation, Oxfam has tasked defined itself as a multi-faceted organization. The organization is defined through its service, charity, empowerment, and participatory orientation towards its target population (ECBP 64). Through its level of operation, Oxfam can be defined as an international NGO that is responsible for funding projects, institutions, local NGO’s, and also implementing projects. Founded in 1942, Oxfam’s initial primary concern was to provide food to famine hit populations (Lang 56). The organization has greatly diversified and shifted its focus from simply delivering emergency relief but rather focused on implementation of long-term developmental programs in vulnerable populations across the globe. As an amalgamation of a group of independent non-governmental organizations, Oxfam international got born in 1995. The organization has 17 affiliates in va rious countries that assist it to carry out its mandate according to its vision and mission (Oxfam). The organization carries its operation through its member affiliates in over 90 countries across the globe. As an NGO, Oxfam works in various fields but its main task gets associated with overseeing social transformation and the uplifting of quality of life. Oxfam can get defined as both a developmental and humanitarian emergency organization (Rugendyke 100). The

Monday, October 14, 2019

Dietary Restriction in Judaism Essay Example for Free

Dietary Restriction in Judaism Essay Many scholars have attempted to explain not only the reasoning for the existence of Jewish dietary restrictions but how not conforming to them can be perceived as evil. Some have said that a hygienic component was the most important reason for these restrictions. Others have stated that it was a result of an attempt to preserving the Jewish culture from foreign influences. While others argue that it is a means to achieving holiness or purity. In her book Purity and Danger, Mary Douglas examines some of the arguments put forth by several scholars and theologians. In her examination, Douglas rejects most of the explanations and settles on the explanation that she believes to be the only one without contradiction, the idea of purity. To understand why Mary Douglas comes to the conclusion that she does, it is important to understand how she views the concept of â€Å"good† and â€Å"evil† or â€Å"purity† and â€Å"pollution†. Douglas places great emphasis on the idea of purity and how dirt defiles it. This is not always meant to be literal. Douglas makes the distinction between clinical views of dirt versus a symbolic ideal of pollution of purity. She points out that even though the two views come from completely different mindsets, they are much more closely related than it would initially appear when she says â€Å"†¦ the resemblance between some of their symbolic rites and our hygiene is sometimes uncannily close.†. Douglas was paramount in our understanding of how the concept of dirt plays an important role in our perception of social norms. These norms help to shape society by outlining boundaries that define what is good and what may be considered evil. â€Å"The public identification of â€Å"dirt† displays the boundaries of cultural categories†. When one performs an act that crosses these boundaries, it can be viewed as an act of defilement, which may be perceived as â₠¬Å"pollution† or â€Å"evil†. Ritual practice, in this case the dietary restriction, â€Å"†¦is an opportunity to remove things that are not acceptable from society† and attempt to restore purity. Some have cited the main purpose of the dietary restrictions as being for hygienic and health reasons. While Douglas does mention this as a contributing factor and admits that the restrictions have shown these benefits to exist, it is apparent that she feels that there are too many contradictions for this to be a completely valid argument for the existence of the restrictions. In regards to this mode of thought she states that â€Å"†¦ it is one thing to point out the side benefits of ritual actions, and another thing to be content with using the by-products as a sufficient explanation†. Douglas even goes as far as saying, â€Å"The only sound approach is to forget hygiene†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Some interpretations of these restrictions were based on the idea that the Jewish people were using them as a means to differentiate themselves from other groups of people. This could lead one to the conclusion that the sole reason for â€Å"†¦the prohibition on pigs was aimed at differentiating the Israelites from their nighbors†. In James’ work in The Priestly Conceptions of Evil in the Torah, he explains â€Å"People who are set apart by God to become holy are required to live by different rules than other people†. From this we are to understand that in order to become pure in the eyes of god, one must set themselves apart from others just as god has. In contradiction to this school of thought, Douglas points out that this concept is more of a product of mistranslation and that the term â€Å"set apart† should have really been translated as â€Å"holy†. This reinterpretation gives a different meaning to the scripture. It changes the focus from a means to an end to an expression of desire for one to be of the highest spiritual level. The Jewish people do not need to differentiate themselves from others to achieve holiness. Another conception is that these restrictions are being used as a means to preserve the purity of their culture from the influence of other cultures. If we are to believe this ideology we would be lead to believe that the introduction of customs from another group would cause the Jewish culture to become â€Å"dirty† or â€Å"impure† and therefore unholy. Douglas invalidates this argument when she says that the â€Å"†¦ argument cannot be comprehensive, for it is not held that the Israelites consistently rejected all the elements of foreign religions and invented something entirely original for themselves.†. The concept of purity is quite prevalent throughout Jewish literature and the ideals of their dietary restrictions. It is also the concept that Douglas believes best explains the necessity for dietary restriction in the Jewish faith. Purity of diet plays a large role in achieving a state of purity or avoiding pollution â€Å"†¦ the dietary laws would have †¦ inspired meditation on the oneness, purity and completeness of God† One of the main ideas is that all animals belong to one of three domains (the sky, the earth and the water) and have certain attributes that make them adapted to life in that domain (the wings of birds, the four legs and divided hoof of cows, or the scales and fins of a fish for example). Those that do not conform to one domain by some form of adaption that is deemed less fit for that domain and thereby violating its sanctity, are seen as â€Å"impure† or â€Å"dirty†. Another ideal of â€Å"purity† that must be upheld is the idea of confusion or mixing. Any animal that is mixed with another species is considered dirty just as the improper mixing of blood relatives is considered impure for it has brought forth confusion or disorder. James writes that â€Å"hybrids †¦ represent a return to the chaos that God banished in bringing order to the world.† Douglas says that â€Å"dirt is essentially disorder†. From this one could surmise that moving from order to disorder is akin to moving from â€Å"purity† to â€Å"dirt† or â€Å"good† to â€Å"evil†. As god brought order to the world, man must bring order to his life to be like god and therefore holy. Mary Douglas shows that the dietary restrictions of Jewish people consists of both a hygienic component as well as an element of â€Å"purity†. She does however favour the element of â€Å"purity† as there are some contradictions involving hygiene. Douglas uses her keen perception to analyze the theories proposed by others and uses sound logic to either validate or discredit them. She shares a similar view with James in regards to the idea of â€Å"pollution† of â€Å"purity†. Adhering to the dietary restrictions provides the practitioner with a means to attain and maintain a state of purity. Bibliography Barak-Erez, Daphne. Outlawed Pigs : Law, Religion, and Culture in Israel. Chicago: University of Wisconsin Press, 2007 Douglas, Mary. Purity and Danger. New York: Routledge, 2002 Hendel, Ronald. Remembering Mary Douglas: Kashrut, Culture, and Thought-Styles. Berkely: University of California, 2008 James, Gene G. The Priestly Conceptions of Evil in the Torah. Evil and the Response of World Religion. Ed. William Cenkner. St. Paul, Minn: Paragon House, 1997 Weimer, Jade. â€Å"Mary Douglas’ work.† Class lecture, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November 8, 2012.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

A case study on Westmount Retirement Home

A case study on Westmount Retirement Home New information can be considered valuable in terms of decision making. From new information, the derivation of new and more applicable strategies can be utilized. In this paper, an analysis on how does new information becomes a valuable asset to transform Westmount Retirement home struggles with its current accounting system which affects its profitability to a more effective Activity-based costing system that can improve overall business operations. This paper outlined both the strengths and limitation of the current cost system by Westmount and at the same time provided new elements that support the proposed Activity-based costing system and its benefits. The study also showed calculated suggested new price rates on the room options for Westmounts current and potential residents together with its proposed new fees for additional services and medical needs. Introduction A 125 Unit retirement residence was established on the year 1997. It was called Westmount Retirement home. The core purpose of this retiring home is to cater to seniors of the community. Westmount Retirement home provides both assisted living and independent supportive living options to their clients. Their current clients are divided into two segments, one is the independent supportive residents which require no assistance with the tasks of daily living, the other are assisted living residents which basically requires additional assistance which varies depending with their medical needs and degree of frailties.There are thirty-one (31) employees on Westmount that is spread across all of the retirements home several departments. There is basically several staff employed on a department that specializes on recreational activities, housekeeping, management, building maintenance and nursing. With regard to prices offered to Westmounts residents, the pricing model is actually simple and uniform for all residents and the only variance or difference is fundamentally based on the size of each room. In this study, the author will dissect the case by providing a discussion on Westmounts poor financial results in 2005; this will be followed by analyzing the companys current costing model by highlighting its strengths and limitations. Next will be a computation of the new cost per patient using the data of the current pricing model to create a new costing system. And finally, a discussion on how valuable new information can assist Westmount into creating a more suitable pricing scheme on its residents. Statement of the Problem Westmount Retirement Home has been struggling due to low profitability of its business operations as well as its current accounting system (Shomair 2008). From the low profitability standpoint, Westmount has faced stiff competition, among other local key players on their industry. Westmount has currently three main competitors namely: Chelsea Park retirement, Central park lodge and Longworth Retirement residence. Heavy competition arose due to the increasing demand for assisted and supportive living options. Thus, due to the availability of several retirement homes, key industry trends shows that a lot of potential residents are basing their decisions on residence options on the factor of cost. Regarding Westmounts current pricing model and accounting system, the company offers a standard rate (price) on numerous services to various patients and at the same time attending to individuals specific needs. The issue here is that there is no system or a defined activity-based costing (Platt and Vaysman 2000) in place to account for those varying service needs required by different residents. The obvious result here is a low profitability which can be attributed to its high operating expense. Westmounts Current pricing model: Strengths and Limitations Strengths Based on industry trends, a lot of potential residents are focusing on the cost factor on deciding which retirement home they will get into. Westmount Retirement Homes offers a very attractive and competitive pricing package by having a basic and standard pricing scheme in which the only difference in prices are from room sizes and not other care services. This has attracted a number of residents to Westmount. Not only does Westmount have a uniform price rate across all their services, it also has the most affordable prices compared to its competitors. Westmounts Package or Deal Pricing or most commonly known as a Bundled Payment (Miller 2008) provides its target market a hassle free approach on understanding the total cost of being a resident. Limitations The current costing system of Westmount does not provide any valuable information more particularly on the cost of each their services, since the only method of differentiation with their costs are on room sizes. Potential variability in costs especially on specific services in relation to clients needs is disregarded, due to the limitation of the current costing model. Substantial revenue can be lost as well with this model. As an example, , resident couples can stay at their rooms with no additional cost and have the same care and services as long as they pay for the room rate only. The current costing system does not provide any avenue or room for improvement specifically on operating expenses. For example a lot of staff hours are still being paid even without services rendered. New Costing Model Design Activity-Based Costing This new cost model will definitely improve not only the current accounting system of Westmount but its overall profitability as well. The benefits of an Activity-based costing is that instead of costs assigned to fixed costs, are now can be utilized as variable costs depending numerous activity cost pools in Westmount (Weygandt, Kimmel, Kieso 2009).In essence, it controls the companys overhead costs and leads to a more effective decision making by the management on how to improve overall finances. Room Rates A new rate will be reflected on this new costing model. To acquire a more suitable and competitive rate for Westmount, New room rates will be the computed by getting the average cost per room of all the three main competitors (see Exhibit 1). The average cost per room will provide an essential perspective on how much does the competitors charge per room (studio, one bedroom and two bedroom models) in this type of industry. Also, it can be used as the new room rate for Westmount. The purpose of which is for the discerning buyer would not only look at the room prices but also other features: such as quality of services, facilities etc. This is possible since the difference between the New Westmount prices compared to its competitors are relatively insignificant, in fact the new rate on average is cheaper than the other two competitors (Central and Longworth). Except for Chelsea Park in which Westmount can compete via other methods: for e.g. Marketing high quality services and facilitie s. Price differences because of room size will still be applicable with the new rates. Regarding the current issue with having couples share the room and services, Westmount can utilize their two bedroom units. Only one competitor has this residential type (Chelsea Park). Westmount can have the option of selling those units to couples with the new room rate without an additional charge. This will provide Westmount the ability to attract more potential residents and have those clients focus on getting a two bedroom if they want to consider being with their spouses. With these new rates alone, Westmount can generate more revenue out of its projected client base of 160 residents and in effect will increase profitability. Identifying and Matching Residents Needs Each resident may have different or special needs, contrary to the previous system in which these differences are barely nonexistent. This can be done by Westmount using proper segmentation of all its current residents, more particularly to those residents require additional services or different levels of care. This can be segmented by using a three modelled option for service fees. First are the residents with no medical needs, then with moderate medical needs and lastly those with intense medical needs, for the last two groups, they could have the option to purchase nursing and medical support at an additional cost. This also follows the activity-based costing model proposed for this company. New Prices for Additional Services and Medical Needs For those living residents with no medical needs rates, the new room costs will be the base price to be applied. On the other hand, those on the other group which require added services and medical needs would pay additional costs for each service and medical need (see Exhibit 2 for Activity-Based costing) The price of each service will be determinant to its operating cost plus 15% mark-up, to ensure adequate return to Westmounts shareholders and enough funds for necessary capital requirements. Utilization of Labor Availability As in any organization, some employees are more productive than others (Platt, and Vaysman 2000:19). With this new model the author allocated cost of each staff members compensation-related costs among the several activities in which he or she is responsible. Since a lot of man-hours are consistently wasted with the current costing system, the new system approach would be almost the exact opposite. Each resident group will now have staff available to them only when they really need them. Examples of these are dieticians employed for those patients with serious medical conditions; their hours now will be spent entirely to this resident group, in effect decreasing their total work time. And since they will now be paid on an hourly basis it will drive down costs on this support service. These hourly basis of work schedules will be applied across the board to ensure that all time spent will be productive and useful. This is also a win-win suggestion especially the extra time given to these staff members will create a much more balance in their work-life relationship. As for Westmount, obviously this will help drive down operating costs, by eliminating its current fixed costs of labour and transforming it into a variable costs which can either be seasonal depending on the demand for staff availability. Value of New information In any facet of economics most particularly in enterprise, new information that can be used to apply new strategy and other development are all considered essential and valuable. Cohen and Leviathan stated that The ability to exploit external knowledge is thus a critical component of innovative capabilities (1990:122). In this case, Westmounts administrator Helen Roswell, have noticed the low profitability of the firm and analyze what could be the causes. She acknowledges external factors could contribute to it, but her main concern was on their pricing model and total operating expenditure. This realization made Roswell think of other alternatives apart from the current cost model, especially when this current model has a direct impact on the firms overall profitability. To continue to attract more clients and still remain profitable, a new pricing model was needed to reflect the level of medical care and service required by each individual patient. Roswell has also decided that she would need to assess the true cost of each Westmounts services, and then use this information to develop a new pricing model. The price schemed for room rates specifically as aforementioned in this study will be the monthly average price of all industry players. The added or special service or medical need will be on a case to case basis in which the price will be service operational cost plus 15% mark up. This new pricing scheme can definitely alleviate Westmounts overall profitability and decrease operational expenses. Calculations: As an example for Supportive Services: Number of Employees:17 Total Cost amounted to $548, 573. Total wages is at $538, 392 Total Supplies used cost $10,181 Two (2) dieticians is compensated $18.50/hour each. 37 hours/week 48 weeks Total costs for Dieticians Wages per year: $65, 712 Estimated. Number of residents with intense medical need for dieticians 50.The total cost of the two dieticians wages for this scenario will now be allocated on an hourly basis or 25% allocation example, in which the demand for their services ( in this case the 50 residents) will be applied.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

Muscle soreness can be described as the pain experienced by the muscles causing discomfort, usually after intense exercise and can last for a period of between 24 and 48 hours. Pain results due to strain and trauma on the muscle fibers. Types of Muscle Soreness Muscle soreness can be experienced in different degrees. The first degree of soreness can be described as acute muscle soreness. It is mostly experienced after long hours of exercise and can last up to 3 days with new athletes. It majorly results due to exercise thus muscle fibers are subjected to micro trauma and excess accumulation of lactic acid. This soreness shows muscle growth and adaptation to trauma. This soreness is overcome by continuous training until the body adapts to the training program. The second type of muscle soreness is Delayed Onset soreness. It is caused by excessive muscle lengthening. The muscles therefore do not shorten but lengthen as a result of an external force. It is experienced by a deep pain that prevent muscles from full contraction. It is mostly felt two days after an intense workout, mostly a...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Your shoes and flight

Flight and Your shoes both have many similarities. They both deal with growing up as the characters change and build up throughout the stories. In Flight the grandfather is stubborn at the start of the story but as the play goes on, he decides to give up and let the granddaughter free. Your shoes deals with growing up as well, but the characters change slightly; this is shown when the mother finally writes her welfares to her daughter despite showing so much love for her which makes it hard for her to say her welfares. Flight starts with grandfather holding onto his favourite pigeon. Grandfather lets the pigeon fly but as soon as the pigeon spreads his wings he captures it again and puts the pigeon into a small box where it can't escape â€Å"He deliberately held out his wrist for the bird to take flight and caught it again at the moment it spread its wings. He would like to lock his granddaughter up the same way he locks up the pigeons to make his granddaughter stay away from Steve. He wants to control his granddaughter like he controls the pigeons. This pigeon is a symbol reflected towards the granddaughter. The granddaughter has an attractive description; this shows that the pigeon is compared to the granddaughter. They both are attractive and he controls them. Your Shoes starts with the mother writing a letter to her unnamed daughter. The mother starts of saying â€Å"I thought I knew you as well as I know this house† this shows that the daughter was hiding something or her daughter has grown up to a point where she has started to keep secrets. Whereas in Flight, the granddaughter doesn't keep secrets, she could've kept secrets and ran away like ‘the daughter in Your shoes' but she was so mature and intelligent, so se decided to tell her parents about he relationship with the postman's son. She did that because she knew she's old enough to make her decisions and her parents won't go against it The main similarities between Flight and Your shoes are comparing non living things or animals with human being. In Flight the grandfather compares his granddaughter to pigeons, while in Your Shoes the mother is comparing her daughter to her daughter's shoes. Flight deals mainly with the relationship between Alice and her grandfather and Your Shoes deals with the relationship between the mother and daughter, but also between the mother and the father; the daughter and her father. Your shoes and Flight use metaphors to describe their relationships, Flight uses the metaphor of pigeons and Your Shoes uses the metaphor of shoes to describe the relationship. Both stories talk about love and loneliness. In Flight the granddad does not want to let his granddaughter leave, because he is scared to be alone. ‘Can't we keep her a bit longer' this quote indicates the strong love which the grandfather feels for his granddaughter. In Your Shoes the daughter has left home and the mother is desperate to have her daughter back, because she loves her and feels lonely with out her ‘I knew you'd come back' this quote indicates the hunger of the mother for her daughter. Both stories also have the experience of past life. In Your Shoes the mother describes her experience with her mother showing how difficult it was for her to live with, but she still did. This actually shows how the generation has changed. Similarly in Flight the mother uses her experience to try to convince the grandfather that how happy she was when she got married to her husband said in the following quote. The theme about freedom is being asked in both stories. In Your Shoes the daughter runs away because the lack of freedom was given to her, although the freedom was too much compared to the freedom her mother was given, but in the eyes of her daughter and the generation she was living in made her feel the freedom was too less. The mother tries to show how little freedom she had and she still cope with it, shown in the following quote. This shows that the mother is trying to use reverse psychology to win her daughter back. On the other hand Flight has the same sort of theory. The granddaughter is asking for freedom although she has given the freedom by her mother, but the grandfather doesn't want her to get married that's because he doesn't want to lose her and doesn't want to lose the moments he once had with his granddaughter. â€Å"Think your old enough to get married hey† this shows he his having a go at the granddaughter and trying to convince her that your not old enough to get married. Both stories deal with maturity and immaturity. Flight deals with immaturity in the way that the grandfather is jealous of granddaughter's boyfriend because he feels the boyfriend is going to replace â€Å"She did not turn. She had forgotten him. Along the road came the young man Steven†¦the old man stiffened as he watched the gate swing back and the couple embrace†. This quote shows that the grandfather feels upset that the granddaughter seems to have replaced him with an intruder. The grandfather is also scared of him being left alone when she leaves, which makes him think that without her he won't be happy. Flight also deals with maturity in the way that the granddaughter is being questioned very angrily but she replies back in a polite manner, ‘and she said in a pert voice': â€Å"hullo, granddad.† ‘Politely she moved towards him, after a lingering backward glance at the road.' The calm and polite manner shows how mature she is. Compared to flight Your shoes only shows immaturity of the daughter who left because of her father having an argument with her, because she went to a night club and came back home very late and was drunk, which made the father very angry, and he called her a dirty slut and other rude comments. By her father calling her a dirty slut made her fell insecure and trapped so she decided to leave. Although the main theme of â€Å"Flight† and â€Å"Your Shoes† are similar, however structurally they are different, because in â€Å"Flight† the grandfather didn't want the accept the choice of the granddaughter but in the end they both came to a solution and the grandfather ends up accepting her choice. While in â€Å"Your Shoes† the mother doesn't want to move on. She constantly refuses to put the welfare of her daughter first, because she knows that she won't get this letter and won't come back. Therefore the relationship between the mother and the daughter is not re-established and doesn't have the happy ending as Flight

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Hauntington Disease

Huntington disease Name Institute Huntington Disease Introduction Shortage of information about Huntington disease (HD) and its non-clinical management inveigled me into a quest for journal articles about this comparatively rare illness. Having pored over scores of Journal of Clinical Nursing Issues, I stumbled across the article entitled â€Å"Exploring supportive care for individuals affected by Huntington disease and their family caregivers in a community setting†.It immediately arrested my attention, as it touched upon the possible implications of HD for the affected persons, their family members (including those, who could inherit the illness genetically) and caregivers. This article is a collaborative work of the three authors from the University of Plymouth, namely Beverley Soltysiak, Penny Gardiner and Heather Skirton. It was published first on 10 July, 2008. Summary of the articleAccording to McDonald (2003), Huntington disease, formerly known as Huntington’s c horea, is a chronic neurodegenerative condition caused by a genetic mutation in the Huntingtin gene, situated on chromosome 4†. The article traverses implications and supportive care approaches to the individuals, who suffer from Huntington disease. Authors argue that different approaches should be applied to various age categories of the affected. The difference in symptoms may be subtle at first glance, but younger individuals, affected by the long-term conditions, find facilities for their senior counterparts unsuitable.Important role in this regard belongs to the psychological aspects of the disease. People struck by HD tend to lead sedentary and recluse life. Huntington disease affects badly humans’ perception and cognition, renders their speech unintelligible, and makes them helpless to some extent in general. The far-reaching implications include unsteady gait and severe depressions, which sometimes result in strangers mistaking persons with HD for inebriates or drug abusers. It takes protracted periods of time and frenzied efforts of caregivers to jolt people ffected by Huntington disease out of the so-called â€Å"public alienation†. Authors argue that Huntington disease is debilitating in terms of its impact on the person’s physical condition, but they conclude that it is devouring person’s psychological strength even more eagerly. Sporadic outdoors activities lead to the development of the trait of standoffishness, which, in its turn, hinders the process of treatment. This illness is incurable, while affected people usually live no more than 30 years after the emergence of the first symptoms.However, multifarious therapies and techniques aimed at helping patients to cope with the disease are employed (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy). A multidisciplinary approach is utilized to make sure that complex care needs are met. Research focuses in part on interviewing the afflicted people in order to und erstand better how to help them to deal with the problems they face every day (anxiety disorders, animosity, petulance, apathy, and obsession). Depending on their willingness to cooperate, separate persons were interviewed individually or in groups.It was found that participants with cognitive deficits or/and psychic disorders did not feel comfortable to communicate with impaired colleagues in groups, and consequently opted for individual interview or shunned it at all. The same specialists facilitated both group and individual interviews. â€Å"Data analysis was undertaken using inductive coding technique† (Miles & Huberman, 1994). Interviewers point out that it was a daunting task for them to conduct the research, because cognitive problems of people with Huntington disease barred interviewers from following their train of thought.The heed was paid to the participants’ standpoint on the following themes: 1) Deciding whether to have genetic test; 2) Being given the le thal diagnosis; 3) Disclosure of information about the participant’s being diagnosed with HD; 4) Entering into serious relationship and having a child; 5) Making decisions about how to let children know of the genetic mutation; 6) Observing a family member suffer and wither from HD. Following the diagnosis of one individual, other family members are haunted by or preoccupied with the fear of having genetic mutation.Some people prefer being oblivious to this possibility, while others, prompted by the desire to obtain confidence in future, eagerly agree to undergo a genetic test. In any event, propitious outcome of a genetic test has not proved to be a precondition for sunny disposition. It failed to provide them with a necessary degree of certainty, as those, who turned out to be healthy, started to monitor themselves vigilantly for the possible appearance of symptoms. Evaluation This article provides a comprehensive study of the implications of HD and the means to address the challenges that these implications entail.The main emphasis is placed on those with HD; though, a good amount of attention is also paid to their family members, who are prone to inherit the genetic mutation, and caregivers. Bearing in mind brevity of this research and overall paucity of research into non-clinical management of HD, it would not be wise to grumble about certain details that authors failed to examine. However, I see it fit to note that more approaches of incorporating the afflicted people into the social milieu should have been developed, or at least, more thorough analysis of those listed should have been provided.In terms of interest, I would give this article eight points out of ten. On the plus side, it is laced with excerpts from the interviews, which enable the readers to take a closer look at the problem. Moreover, authors managed to construe the material without abusing the buzzwords. This makes the article flow easily and renders it readable to a broad audien ce. Given the scarcity of knowledge about this area of health assessment, there are no slightest doubts that further research into this area should be carried out. Many gaps still are due to be filled. Some of the possible directions of research were mentioned above.The information highlighted in this article would be of an utmost importance to the family members of people with HD and those, who take care of these people. Hospital staff could also defer to some advice put forward by Soltysiak et al. This article constitutes a precious groundwork for the researchers, who are interested in this particular area. Conclusion People affected by Huntington disease have to address a series of challenges in everyday life. It should be noted that neither these very people, nor their relatives, lead ordinary life after a family member has een diagnosed with HD. Huntington disease seriously undermines person’s physical and psychological well-being, with psychological effects having far g reater scopes. Reluctance of the affected persons to engage in social activities exacerbated by their distorted vision of the world hampers the process of treatment. There is no efficient treatment at all; though, a number of therapies were developed to extenuate the implications. The problem is that at the same time as people with HD need outdoors activities to muster stamina, they also need to muster stamina to go outdoors.By and large, individuals prone to HD feel frustrated at the lack of information about HD held by health professors. References MacDonald, M. E. , Gines, S. , Gusella, J. F. & Wheeler, V. C. (2003). Huntington’s disease. Neuromolecular Medicine, 4. Miles, M. , Huberman, A. (1994). Qualitative data analysis – an expanded sourcebook. (2nded. ). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Soltysiak, B. , Gardiner, P. , Skirton, H. (2008). Exploring supportive care for individuals affected by Huntington disease and their family caregivers in a community sett ing. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17, 7b, 226-234.

IPT Marketing Technology

Once IPT’s website is complete, the company will have a fantastic opportunity to use several simple tools in order to capture data on its customer base. An online sign-up form in which customers input key data along with their Email address will be instrumental in fine-tuning marketing efforts which target specific markets. Permission-based Email marketing will involve sending promotional messages to the list of addresses in the database at least once monthly. Asking all customers to complete a short, online survey form after placement of an order or at various random times as consumers are browsing the site will direct IPT’s efforts to create a more satisfactory experience for the customer from a service standpoint. The website can also be configured to provide an online ordering system for commercial customers, making it easier and more convenient for them to place orders. Spreadsheets can also be used in conjunction with existing sales software. By assigning customer numbers and tracking purchases, IPT will be able to determine its best customers in terms of buying frequency and dollar amounts. Spreadsheets can be created to track the spending habits of retail, corporate and wholesale customers as well as show trends relating to business levels throughout the year, also known as a â€Å"recency frequency monetary value† tool (Alexander, 2007). In this way, IPT will have a strong foundation on which to base marketing promotions after a year or less of tracking. Creating a database of information from each customer will also aid in retention of loyal customers. CRM principles are based on a foundation of knowing the customer at the most intimate level possible and then using this information to align benefits with consumer needs (Alexander, 2007). As IPT expands geographically, the purchase of CRM software specifically designed to be used in a networked system will be a necessity. Such software will also contain report-building features so that IPT is able to analyze the data in several different ways. Eventually, IPT will want to develop its own, unique loyalty program with incentives offered to its top percentage of customers. Incentives do not need to be monetary-based, but can be as simple as tracking occasions when the customer may want to send gifts, such as relative’s birthdays, etc. References Alexander, Peter (July, 2007). â€Å"Use Data to Build Customer Loyalty†. Retrieved February 5, 2008 from the Website:   

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Aircraft maintenance planning procedures Research Paper

Aircraft maintenance planning procedures - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the definition of the technical log as an aircraft document detailing the maintenance status of the aircraft. The document must always be carried whenever the aircraft takes to flight. The document carries information regarding the maintenance performed on the aircraft. Aircraft safety regulations, across the globe, dictate that procedural maintenance should be performed on aircraft within specified periods of time. The operation of undertaking procedural maintenance varies with the classification of aircraft. Upon completion of the maintenance procedure, a record should be kept regarding the activity performed. This record forms the aircraft’s technical log. The record ought to contain all maintenance activities performed on the aircraft. The importance of maintaining this record remains to create a reference point for further maintenance procedures. Through referring to the technical log, an aviation engineer could identify the maintenance proce dures performed on the aircraft. The technical log could essentially assist the maintenance team in assessing and defining the time when an aircraft might require routine maintenance. The information assists operators to predict the usability of an aircraft based on the last known maintenance procedure performed on the aircraft. Â  The certification of technical logs remains the duty of aviation authorities within different countries. These authorities fall under airworthiness authorities recognised internationally. Airworthiness authorities remain the sole certifiers of the information contained in aircrafts’ technical logs. b) How is data recorded, kept where? The data is recorded using automated systems installed within the aircraft. After carrying out maintenance procedures, the engineers undertaking the activities record all function performed on the aircraft. This information remains stored in the technical log. The information recorded indicates the operation undertaken and any new components installed within the aircraft. c) Maintenance schedule: who creates it?, who approves it?, types on maintenance check, flight hours and cycles, work pack, job cards maintenance records. A maintenance schedule could be defined as a timetable for carrying out routine maintenance procedures on aircrafts. Airline operators create the maintenance schedule programmes for their commercial and civil aircrafts, and then present them to the airworthiness authorities for approval (Raoul Castro, p121). Aircraft maintenance checks could be defined as periodic inspections performed on all commercial and civil aircrafts following specified periods of usage. Military aircrafts, however, contain different maintenance programmes specifically designed for special military capabilities. In aircraft maintenance, four types of checks exist namely; check A to D. Checks A and B are light checks while the other two are heavy checks. These checks occur periodically through specified timings. Flight hours could be marked by the number of hours that an aircraft remains in flight. Calculation occurs between the time of taking-off and that of landing. An aircraft cycle could be defined as the taking-off and landing of an aircraft. Each take-off and landing comprises a single cycle (Speciale, p156). Work pack could be defined as a combination of activities to be undertaken by an individual. It forms the basis for supervising a person’s work delivery. A job card, on the other hand, could be defined as a printed card showing details of the duty performed by a person. They clearly define the duties performed by each individual. The documentation detailing the

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

ADD in Adult Hispanic Women Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

ADD in Adult Hispanic Women - Research Proposal Example are verified sufferers of ADD and ADHD. IT has been learnt that less than 25percent of the American population undergo this epidemics without any treatment or diagnosis.CONCLUSIONS: The data of last twenty five years suggest that the percentage of the diagnosed patients with ADD and ADHD has increased significantly, and it is suspected that this rising trend will continue in coming years. Hispanic population within United States is either socially deprived, illiterate or trapped under immigration laws, therefore the proportion of the exact Hispanics within U.S. suffering from ADD and ADHD shall never be precisely estimated.Recent study was conducted by UnitedHealth Group's Evercare organization and the National Alliance for Caregiving, the intent of this research was to analysis the impact of AHAD and ADD among female Hispanics. During research it was identified that more than 36percent of the Hispanic women population looked after an older loved one, this percentage is greater than the average percentage of all U.S which stands at 21 percent. As per Evercare Study of Hispanic Caregiving, "largest comprehensive look at Hispanic caregivers, also revealed that caregiving caused a major change to the working situation of Hispanics, which could have dramatic personal implications as the current fiscal crisis continues to unfold in the United States". The emotional and physical count of caregiving is suspected to influence the local and national economies, which is evident as "more than eight million Hispanics provide care to older loved ones nationwide". During research it was concluded that the availability of "additional resources and tools-in Spanish-are necessary to help them care for their loved ones" (Frances, 1999). As per study, more than 70percent of the female Hispanic caregivers belief that "important that caregiving information be provided in Spanish", they also sought arrangement of training sessions, these sessions shall assists the female population in learning caregiving skills effectively. Introduction Numerous cases of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in Hispanic adults' females have been discovered, "there is a paucity of controlled pharmacological trials demonstrating the effectiveness of compounds used in treatment, particularly non-stimulants". Recent research was conducted to evaluate the "anti-ADHD efficacy of bupropion in adult patients with DSM-IV ADHD". In this research "double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, parallel, 6-week trial comparing patients receiving sustained-release bupropion to patients receiving placebo" (Frances, 1999) were evaluated. A standardized structured psychiatric instrument was used for the diagnosis of ADHD. The measurement of improvement was conducted through separate assessment of "ADHD, depression, and anxiety symptoms at baseline and on periodic basis". Bupropion has been found as effective drug against ADHDH and ADD. As per the findings of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the influence of the bupropio n as an active anti-agent for ADHD has not been supported by substantial evidence, therefore the impact of bupropion on ADHD is under investigation, however hopes for improvement is